What is the price for a dog grooming or bath?
You can get a price estimate by calling your local J4D Pet salon ahead of time. You can discuss details over the phone or in person when you meet your stylists at the start of your pet's grooming, depending on your preferred grooming service options.
What vaccinations are required?
We request confirmation of current immunizations based on your pet's age for the health and safety of all guests and stylists. The following are some of the requirements:
Under 16 weeks: At least 2 sets of puppy starter vaccinations that include distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus
16 weeks and older: Rabies vaccination
Please allow at least 24 hours between the administration of the vaccine and the grooming service. If you have any questions, we recommend contacting your local J4D Pet Salon to make sure your pet is up to date on their immunizations before their spa day.
How long does dog grooming take?
The length of a grooming service is determined by the size of your pet and the type of service required. At check-in or over the phone, your stylist will be able to give you an anticipated finish time.
Minor services, such as nail trims, take about 5 minutes and require no appointment, depending on salon availability. However, we recommend calling ahead to confirm availability at your local salon.
An Express Service can be added to any full-service bath or haircut for an additional charge of $15 for a quick grooming experience. For the safety of brachycephalic breeds including French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boxers, we offer the Express Service. Inquire with your stylist about specifics and availability."
We have a variety of drying options available to ensure your pet's safety and comfort. Air drying, towel drying, non-heated hand-held, and kennel dryers are some of the options. We do not allow the use of kennel dryers for brachycephalic breeds that are prone to respiratory difficulties.
How much experience do j4d dog groomers have?
Most of our groomers have completed grooming school or have several years' experience grooming. We do train in-house after several months of bathing and prepping experience. Training is always supervised from start to finish by lead groomers or managers.
What if my dog doesn't like to be groomed?
Throughout the grooming process, our J4D salon groomers & bathers are prepared to provide positive reinforcement, and we always prioritize their comfort and well-being. Our pet stylists can work slowly with pets who are reluctant to be groomed and may stop grooming if the pet's or staff safety is jeopardized. If your pet has any specific needs, please inform your salon staff when scheduling an appointment so that we can tailor the experience to your pet's needs.
A few ways we ensure your pet’s safety in the grooming salon is by:
Completing a comprehensive pet assessment upon check-in to ensure nothing looks or feels abnormal
Using ramps or steps for senior dogs to get into the tubs or bathe really large dogs on the floor
Providing industry-standard comfortable and safe kennels
Utilizing the Grooming leads and other tools, designed to help safely maintain control of your pet’s body and head while on the grooming table

Doesn't he look cute with his top bandana?

Bella is getting her hair down before her bath and brush.

Patrick enjoying his Bobbi Panter rejuvenating shampoo and conditioning.

Snowball getting the last extra hairs out.

This little buddy is getting his touch up for the weekend.